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By using this website you have agreed and accepted the following conditions:


1. Corium Health Ltd., accepts no responsibility for the entirety or accuracy of any of the information contained on or accessed through this site and makes no representations about its suitability for any particular purpose and Users should make their own judgments about those matters. To the extent permitted by law, Corium Health Ltd. excludes all liability for loss or damage arising from the use of or reliance on the information contained or accessed through this website whether or not caused by any disregard on the part of Corium Health Ltd. or its customers or agents.


2. Information or materials that are pornographic, offensive or unsuitable for minors’ access or otherwise having criminal or violent nature may be available through this site either as a result of hacking or material placed on linked websites. Corium Health Ltd. makes no representations as to the appropriateness of the information accessible for viewing by minors or any other person.


3. You assume all risks associated with use of the Site including, but not limited on:

3.1 the risk of your computer, data or software being damaged by any virus which might be transmitted or activated through the Site or your access to it; or

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4. Your use of this Site may be logged for the purpose of security and usage monitoring.


5. Unauthorised access or use of this Site could result in criminal prosecution.


6. This Site is hosted on a web server located in Australia. These terms and conditions are governed by the law in the force in the State of Victoria in the Commonwealth of Australia and any dispute about these terms or the contents of this Site are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Victoria and the courts of appeal from them.





Please see the entire Privacy Policy elsewhere on this Site for more detailed information.


1. In some parts of the website, Corium Health Ltd. will ask you for personal information, including your email address. Rest assured that the information you provided will only be used for the purposes stated and will not be disclosed beyond Corium Health Ltd. without your consent.


2. Corium Health Ltd. may use your nominated email address for administrative reasons; otherwise, we will not use your e-mail address for any other purpose, and will not disclose it without your consent.


3. Corium Health Ltd. logs the following information for statistical purposes:

3.1 your IP address;

3.2 the time and date of your visit to the site;

3.3 the pages you’ve accessed and documents you’ve downloaded; and

3.4 the type of browser you used.

Corium Health Ltd. also logs all files downloaded from our website to analyse usage.


4. No attempt will be made to identify the users or their browsing activities except, in the improbable event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may employ a warrant to inspect our logs. Corium Health Ltd., to the extent legally possible, will not discharge any detailed information from these logs.


5. Your web browser will need to accept cookies to access certain features of the Site. The Corium Health Ltd. website uses both single-session cookies and persistent cookies. Persistent cookies remain between browser sessions and are used to customise a user’s web experience, for instance to provide a customised home page. Single-session cookies are short-lived; they are used only during a browsing session and may expire when you leave your browser.


6. The information you provide through the website will be kept secure within Corium Health Ltd. If you wish to reach Corium Health Ltd. regarding any aspect of our Privacy Policy please contact us directly.




All of the material on this web site is © Copyright Corium Health Ltd.
The information on this site may be downloaded onto a drive or printed for your personal use provided that you include this copyright notice on each copy and that you make no modifications to any of the pages and do not use any of the information in any other work or publication whatsoever whether it is electronic or paper-based. No part of the information may be circulated or copied for any commercial purpose.

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